Rattlesnake Ledge // Green Lake

It's been a while!
Life happened, and The Squish and I are now flying solo a majority of the time, and there was an almost-8-month stint where we weren't on the trail hardly at all.

The Squish has since found his legs, and we are back to exploring together!
Here's a double post to count the 2 hikes we did do during that 8 month stagnant time, and what I can still remember about it.

January 1 - New Year's Hike

HIKE: Rattlesnake Ledge
MILEAGE:  4.0 miles roundtrip
SEASON: Winter
PARKING: huge lot, but can fill up easily
THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND: This is a very popular trail.
No pass required
The second half of this hike is the steepest, so save some in the tank the first half!
MORE INFO: https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/rattlesnake-ledge

I was witness to a horrific trail accident on September 21, 2019 where Search & Rescue was involved, and this was my first time setting foot back on a "real" trail.
I have hiked New Years Day for several years in a row now, and have some really wonderful friends who pushed me to come with them and "rip the band-aid off" so to speak.

I was worried I would be in bad shape, but one of my friends carried Liam up the trail, so it wasn't as bad as anticipated.
Find yourself a pack mule friend, is my advice ;)

The weather wasn't great, but that's expected at that time of year, and the one thing I wish I would have had then (which I have now) is a full body bunting suit.
When it's wet, we adults don't have a hard time keeping our body temp up, because we're moving, but if we are carrying our kids, it's easier for them to get cold.

Luckily, it was just mostly foggy, and not raining, otherwise we would've probably bailed earlier.

Was still pretty busy, mostly due to it being a holiday.


January 24 - Green Lake

HIKE: Green Lake (Seattle)
MILEAGE:  2.8 miles roundtrip
SEASON: Winter
PARKING: multiple lots along the perimeter, but can fill up pretty early, mostly on nice weather days; street parking nearby is plentiful if you have the patience
THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND: This is a very popular destination.
The path is paved, so it's perfect for strollers.
No pass required, no parking fees
Watch the signs for the "correct" way around, and side of the pavement
MORE INFO: https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/green-lake-1

I cannot stress enough, how avenues for getting exercise really change (or rather, did for me) after having a kid, and especially after becoming a single parent.
"Urban hikes" become much more enticing, and accessible.

After meeting up for coffee with a friend in Greenwood, we decided to stretch our walk to Green Lake and walk around.
It drizzled, we got a snack at the snack shack there, and then we walked back to her apartment where our cars were.
We even caught a rainbow!
Sometimes, even if it can seem disappointing to miss out on a "regular hike" I've learned to accept that fresh air is fresh air in and out of the city. And regardless of where I get it, I am always so much happier for it.

Monkey Grind coffee in Greenwood--a MUST

Green Lake

Tired, content eyes


Tired boy asleep as the sun broke during our return walk


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