
Showing posts from August, 2019

Poo Poo Point (again)

HIKE : Poo Poo Point (via Chirico Trailhead) MILEAGE :  3.5 miles roundtrip We only went to the first landing, so slightly less than the mileage/gain provided on ELEVATION GAIN : ~1600 feet SEASON : mid-Summer PARKING : small lot, extra parking in neighboring driveways for a fee. THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND : Chirico is one of the "trail highways", being highly trafficked by residents who live in Issaquah, and surrounding areas, as well as those who wish to get a good jaunt in before/during/after work. It's important to remember trail etiquette: those going up have the right of way, and pull to the side to let others pass. MORE INFO : This was The Squish's 2nd time up the Chirico Trail. Read about the first time here . 08.13.2019 The Squish is just shy of being 5 months old (21.5 weeks) Hike #10 It's not often we get to do a mid-week hike, so this was a real treat. Note: this hik...

McClellan Butte

HIKE : McClellan Butte MILEAGE : 7.5 miles roundtrip (of 9.0 miles roundtrip) ELEVATION GAIN : 3300 feet (of 3700) SEASON : mid-Summer PARKING : decent lot; busy trail THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND : Reading WTA's description will provide you with a lot of needed info, but the highlights are: this hike is not "easy" there is often snow in to July on the trail it is "scrambly" ; exercise caution when carrying children, and monitoring those that can hike themselves. MORE INFO : 08.04.2019 The Squish is 4.5 months old (20 weeks) Hike #9 Well, this was the first hike we've taken the Squish on, where we had to turn around ! We had a family engagement to get to early afternoon, and overestimated our abilities (or underestimated the trail!) This hike is exactly how it is described -- not easy, steep, and a great alternative to si/mailbox/other training hikes. The nice thing about this hike is it...