Kendall Katwalk

HIKE: Kendall Katwalk
MILEAGE: 12.0 miles roundtrip
SEASON: mid-Summer
PARKING: small ish lot, and patrolled for passes frequently in the summer!
the trailhead is for the PCT, not Kendall Katwalk specifically.
Read up directions on WTA, and maybe even keep them handy (as well as a map or GPS).
We had a fellow hiker asking us directions for half of the trip.
Make yourself the most reliable person you know!
There were bugs at the Katwalk. Not on the trail, but up at the top. (biting flies mostly)


The Squish is 4 months old (18 weeks)
Hike #8

I don't know if it's because Ingalls whooped my butt, but I was expecting this hike to be harder than it was. Maybe I'm more in shape than I think I am now.

This hike, aside from the navigating part of it (there are literally no signs for "Kendall Katwalk") is pretty straightforward.
Since it's part of the PCT, even though there is decent gain, it is incredibly gradual.

There is little coverage, and I reapplied sunscreen to The Squish several times.

The Squish enjoyed the hike, talking to the trees, looking around very intently as we hiked, and staying awake the whole lunch time!
He is getting much more talkative and interactive on our hikes, and we. are. loving it!

Make sure you watch your footing at the top!
While it's not precarious for adults, younger kids and pets may need an eye on them at all times, depending!

We managed to find a piece of shade at the top for lunch, that still had a view; just had to walk a little ways down the "Katwalk".
And yes, we did our little turn on it.

beginning of the trail

observant eyes

 a few water sources along the trail (first half)

Fairly exposed


trailshot with view

rocky trail

small waterfalls

never and "Kendall Katwalk" references
Make sure you know where you're headed!


diaper change time!

half mile (?) of this rocky trail.
Moved slowly through here to avoid rolling ankles.
Exposed, though! We re-applied sunscreen here

trail to the left and right of frame

indian paintbrush is my favorite

nearing the top!

almost there!

the katwalk!

great spot for lunch!
Bugs at the top!
(but nowhere else)
Mostly biting flies

Maybe he enjoyed it?
Happy Squish is my favorite squish!


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